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York Gastroenterology
Dr Simon Smale, is a gastroenterologist practicing in York, UK.
Gastroenterologists specialise in the treatment of disease of the stomach, intestines and liver.
Good care is a team effort 
The Patient is the most important member of the Team

Dr Simon Smale provides outpatient, in-patient and endoscopy (upper  and lower GI) endoscopy services privately at York Nuffield Hospital and for the NHS at York Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. 

Interests include the diagnosis and treatment of functional gastrointestinal disease (such as irritable bowel syndrome), oesophageal physiology, achalasia, patient saftey and patient empowerment.

He is the Royal College of Physicians tutor in York and  works as the Deputy - Training Program Director for Continuing Medical Trainees (CMTs) in the Hull and East Yorkshire Deanery.

In addition he has raced internationally at triathlon and duathlon and possesses a couple of Coaching qualifications.

I offer face to face, telephone and webcam based consultations.





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